Why Study With Me?

  • I have unique experience achieving huge results in a short amount of time.

  • I have degrees from some of the most respected teachers in the world.

  • I teach worldwide and have students from South Dakota to Saudi Arabia to Singapore.

  • I’ve built an unparalleled career alongside an online presence – I coach my students not only on their playing and overall musicianship, but also advise them on their career.

Schedule your first lesson with me below, or click here

If you are interested in regular, weekly lessons, I may have availability. Please fill out the contact form linked here.

I also teach locally in Austin, Texas. Please use the form above for local inquiries as well.

More information on me!

When I started

A little about me – I started classical guitar quite late. At 19 years old I first tried a classical guitar lesson blindly because I wanted to explore a new style and I knew classical guitar was the only genre of guitar I could study at the university I was attending. I was a freshman in college taking business classes, jealous of all my music major friends that got to carry their instruments around campus and spend their study time studying what they loved.

My first classical lesson was in Tampa, FL in the summer between my 1st and 2nd year in college. I fell in love quickly. I returned to the university and started listening to the exceptionally skilled guitarists in the music school surrounding me, and it became incredibly clear that I needed to work at the speed of light and learn as much as possible in a short amount of time to have even a slim shot at a career in music, furthermore classical guitar. 

What I’ve tried

I’ve. Tried. Everything. Some ideas and concepts worked wonders for me, and some stunted my growth. Even as a studious music student seeking to practice and perform like a professional, I sacrificed countless hours that must amount to entire days worth of failed practice methods and bad advice that students like myself inevitably pick up while trying to reach a high level quickly. I only now know that I could have made some big changes earlier that would have allowed for even better results, but as they say: hindsight is 20/20.

The problem was, at the time, I knew very few people who started so late that were trying to achieve similar goals as mine. I was on a mission to become as efficient and productive as possible in my daily life and in my practice to try and ‘make it’ in this competitive field. I knew that my dream of actually traveling the world performing, teaching and constantly learning about the guitar is an incredibly rare career in the music world, and I’ve been determined ever since to make that happen. 

After years of technique books and tips, exercises and etudes, and competitions and coffee filled veins, I’ve begun to understand what was obviously productive, versus what is detrimental to a determined student’s progress and success. 

Who I’ve Taught

I have quite a wide range of students. I’ve taught young students that have won international awards for their performing, and students that I started from absolute scratch that just love playing guitar as a hobby! I’ve had students that are retirees wanting to pick up something new, and students that are currently performance majors at universities that just want to have a fresh set of honest eyes and ears evaluate their playing. 

Whatever your situation is, I’d love to help you accomplish your goals. Lets get started! Check my availability, and book your first lesson here:


What I’ve Accomplished 

Competitions and awards:

After just 8 years of playing classical guitar, I’ve won a dozen prizes in international competitions including 3 first prizes. I was selected as the 2018 Magellan Scholar to study in Spain with classical guitar luminaries David Russell, Manuel Barrueco, and Pepe Romero, among others. 

Concerts, Courses, and Publications:

I’ve filmed courses with online music giants JamPlay “Modern Approach to Classical Guitar”PickupMusic “Introduction to Classical Guitar”, and written articles for ToneBase. I’ve also taught masterclasses around the country, lectured on building an online presence, as well as performed in concert series and festivals around the world – most recently at the University of Texas San Antonio, Grand Rapids International Concert Artist Series, Madison Classical Guitar, GuitarSarasota, and at the Long Island Guitar Festival. 


I’m also lucky to say I’ve studied with many of the world’s finest teachers and career masterminds. I have my B.M. studying with Bruce Holzman, a Masters from studying with Rene Izquierdo, and a second Masters from Spain where I studied with David Russell, Manuel Barrueco, and Pepe Romero among others. I’m currently finishing an Artist Diploma in Austin, TX with Adam Holzman, where I’m the first ever guitarist in the Artist Diploma program.

Online Presence:

I’ve built a large social media presence of over 30,000 followers across platforms, run weekly virtual technique classes, and co-founded the artist collective  Ex-Aequo Artists, a registered Nonprofit 501(c)3.